Saturday, May 14, 2011

Tiny PT update and reading

Two nights after we have settled in and are not going anywhere for a while I've put Esme in underwear and a t-shirt and she has used her potty most of that time with just needing a few reminders. I can sometimes get her to use it in the morning when she wakes up before putting on a new diaper or sitting around in pants without one for a while. We're making some progress.

We also had some preliminary 'functional' reading yesterday. I was driving and Esme was finally being good for once during the day. We had promised her if she was good at the last place we went she would get a 'tiny french fry' as she calls them, to discern them from hash browns, which are 'big french fry' to her. She was good, so I went to stop at the McD for her, which is across the street from the Burger King. Esme starts saying 'Buh-kuh Mama, Buh-kuh!'. That is where Daddy usually stops. I was already turning so I said we were going to get french fries there - and she says 'no mmmmmm.... Mmmm? French fry? fourteen sixteen? a Puh and an Aaaaa and a Kuh(C) and E (trying to pick out letters in the playplace sign)'. She is trying to pick things up but interpreting them in her own way. 'fourteen sixteen' is what she says whenever she sees a lot of numerals and doesn't take time to pay close attention, and also the drivethrough #s 1 and 2. Then she called them letter 1 and letter 2. Very silly, but worth recording for when she really does blow out picking things up accurately I can go back and look and see how it progressed :)

For Grandma: Here is where Esme first drank from a cup, back in July, 2010.. so it has been longer than I thought. She just recently has started asking for that kind of cup more and more often. She also asked Grandma to 'put cold' in her soup the other day, which meant cold water from the faucet because she thought the soup was too hot.

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