Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Finished object and wip

A finished object - a one skein garter stitch scarf that took about a year to finish (because I hardly ever picked it up).. that Esme chose the yarn for.  It is now in our bag of hats and mittens and scarves waiting to be used someday.  I went through those bags the other day and took all the 'unwearable' stuff out of them...

And a work in progress - a little knit ribbed hat hopefully is large enough, because I tried it on circulars and it wouldn't cooperate with me.. so I took it all out and put it on 4 dpns.  It is 89 or 90 stitches.. but my instincts say maybe I needed 100 or more?  We'll see.

Made cornbread, did laundry, gave the chickens fresh water - the daffodils and tulips are starting to come up.  It would be a nice day to work outside if I didn't have to close at work.

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