Friday, January 19, 2018

Oh Friday Morning...

Well, today we will try to get to town after being snowed-in for a week.  It still isn't really 'sane' to do so, but I have to make an effort as I've already had four snowed-in days and the roads in town are clear.  But, it still might be too dangerous to climb that hill.  I am going to shovel some of the snow out of the back of the truck and take some pictures of the road before we go.

I had what I would call mild vertigo when I got up.  I really don't like that.  But, I've had much worse (hold onto the sides of the bed and hope it stops) vertigo in my past... so this was tolerable.  This was the kind I lived with nearly every day for weeks on end when I was a teen and young-adult.  It would go away for a week or so, then inexplicably, be back.  It is the kind that makes you feel like you live on a ship deck with rolling seas... you close your eyes and stand perfectly still and the world is moving slowly to one side but you never come up against the wall etc... You plan every movement towards something with a little extra care, because you know your bearings are off.

Hopefully we'll get into town, we have a grocery list a mile long.  Hopefully Mark will get back home and back to get me in town tonight with no troubles.  We'll see.  We might have to disappoint them another day.

I had a very awesome dream last night.. well before I woke up with vertigo.  I will see if I can get it down to paper sometime.. it was philosophical and at the end I was feeling like I could draw some pretty awesome city landscapes I've had in my head.. I saw how to do it and it was like walking in a drawing the further and further the dream went on.  I was actually laughing with joy just before I woke up because I saw the perspectives.  Who knows, maybe I was already having the vertigo at that point and it affected the contents of the dream, but at least not in a scary way

 The true dilemma of any artist.. which cup is for paint water and which is for coffee?  Even when it should be obvious, you still have to proceed with caution every single time.

This is what I was painting.
An idea for a sign for our bathroom.  'Wash your Hare'

 What our driveway looks like with the tracks from Monday.

 The ice is this thick on the roof, it's that thick on the drive, too.

 That one is going to be dangerous when it breaks...

Esme's birdfeeder, filled up

.Ask her how she is doing and she says 'fine' she faceplants in a snowball as big as she is that she is trying to roll uphill....

Esme's birdfeeder in use 

This is actually pretty scary, the truck is up against the power pole and it can't go anywhere... we got out the traction mat Grandma got us for Christmas and rocked it back and forth, slowly making it forward until we got it out of there... and still we aren't going to town tonight

 We finally got it away from the power pole.  I was digging out foot long chunks of ice with matted leaves and mud stuck to it from under the tires as we tried to shove the traction mat under it little bit at a time, then rock the trick over the traction mat to get up another few inches. Mark had tried to go up the hill a bit more and started fishtailing sideways off the shoulder so he backed it up and left it for the night pointing out in hope of tomorrow. 

1 comment:

Emily Shorette said...
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