Wednesday, January 30, 2013

of fish and words

The three new fish we had gotten for the tank have all died, but the 'koi' fish Nemo is still going strong. I wonder how depressed he will get now, though - start staring at the bottom of the tank again? Esmeism this morning: 'Mama, those birds, their color is you can't see them on the ground. That is their color. They are beautiful birds. Another: But not the 100, that is 80-20, not 80.. count to 80. Those are the ones that make my brain twist because she is almost right - and it isn't even something that would be expected from her, but how do I tell her the thought is correct, just the words that are off a bit? It has been easier to try to tell her that lately, sometimes Mama still misses, and then she gets frustrated. We've been playing Skyrim together for a few nights in a row - and I have been trying to pay attention to how she says things and suggest better words. She has been trying to use more numbers and time words, but they do sound strange when she tries - can I play this a little while few minutes please? etc. We have been working on saying 'as soon as' instead of 'as soon from', and other similar items. She asked me which of the two identical packages of candy on the table was the least of them - something I have been trying to explain - do (x task) at the very least, etc... A teacher's aide at school asked me if Esme had a brother - or a cousin she says is a brother. I told her Esme still thinks a 'brother' is any boy who plays with her - or in her game any male character who helps her. I've tried to explain brother before, even in movies and in real life situations - she still prefers her own definition. There are so many things she is steadfast about her own definition, but it is getting a little better over time. She has asked me on her map where all the family lives, and what color their houses are - and is trying to absorb that Mama has a brother and a sister she has not seen. How can I be the sister to my brother and have a sister, too?

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