Thursday, March 22, 2012

Simplicity 3096 and more

Simplicity 3096 dress pattern
and some fabric from the clearance rack

The yellow version's lines and pockets really caught me weeks ago, and then I won the bid on Ebay. I have some plain yellow fabric as well and also some blue gingham coming in the mail soon.

Practicing sewing some old white cotton sheeting
into a simple laundry basket.

This basket is a 'time sink' type item - it takes a long time to get something that could be bought cheaply in plastic. However, I have been inspired lately by the house magazine Skonahem, which is Swedish. But, I feel a deeper connection with things I have read lately about the Sami people. It is odder still that there is much in my 'spirit drawings' that also rings true with some things I read here. Drawings of deer, bears and lots of ornate clothing, turtle shells, the universe as a round house etc... I could have picked up those ideas anywhere in my studies in years past but they have 'stuck' more than anything else.

Esme went to the nurse this morning and she did not think her cough and gagging was serious - just a prolonged cold. Considering she does not have a fever and has been playing like regular, just with a cough and sometimes a gag - it was not serious but good to have someone 'check up' at the same time. Esme was very worried she was going to get another shot, but Mark distracted her by blowing up a glove like a balloon. By the time the nurse did arrive to look Esme over she was not worried about it anymore.

We are now sitting home eating chicken noodle soup. Loula puppy seems to be perkier - her problem might not be serious. A Pogo cat has a few kittens in the basement storage room that she likely had last night. She is happy with them.

Mark says I am 'special'... because I was rubbing black pepper on my chocolate graham crackers. He gave me the idea and it is a GOOD one. Black pepper is one of those things, like coffee, that I like to have in abundance.

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