he does this a lot, to the tune of 'wheeee! fly frog!'

Haha - but for some reason I think of a 1950s secretary filing her nails and saying 'Messages? What Messages?'

She has also taken to using my wooden artist's mannequin as a 'dolly', carrying it around, adjusting its arms and legs and then telling me about it's head, feet etc etc.. It is a little surreal to be given 'dolly' in this form ;)
I had training in Jackson, TN again today. That meant closing and then driving the next morning at 6 am. I was SO tired. But the training was actually a good session - and Esme was a very good little girl when I got home. I dressed down to my lounge clothes and she grabbed her magazine and wanted to sit on my lap and read - then play with frog, then eat fish etc... Late shift tomorrow again so I will get to sleep in maybe... maybe.
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