I made one almost like it for another little girl. I know the waistbands ended up being somewhat different - but the color and style and size are the same. I'm finally done! One of those sleeves (the one with the different color thread on it) kicked my tail for about a week... everytime I tried to put it on something else would go wrong and I'd have to rip it out again. Finally she gets to wear it to Grandma's house :)
She was trying to stomp on the cat (lightly) with those boots on and I said 'Don't step on the cat with your gunboots on.' It was a term used in my family when I was younger, but I always thought they meant 'gun' boots, as in 'gunny' soldier boots, 'combat boots.' etc... I looked it up and my mom and grandma were most likely saying 'gumboots'. It is a British term for rainboots, which were what I actually wore as a kid when my mom was saying that to me. She only said the word when she was saying 'don't stomp on...' etc. It makes some sense, if this is the term, as we are from the far Northern reaches of Minnesota (near Canada, where the term is used also) and have some English roots in our family. There were lots of other British terms my family used that I thought was normal growing up - "stay and hold down the fort" etc... and found out as I got older nobody else understood. We also put milk in our hot tea and tended to overboil our vegetables and meat. ha. Anyway, it was always 'gunboots' to me.
Another thought is she could have been saying 'gunboats' - as in 'huge feet.' I'm not sure if she would even remember if I asked her.. but I'll try.
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