Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Accidental Collage

Isn't it funny how some art just kind of falls into place, all by itself, on accident? I looked up from my desk today and thought... the assorted 'found junk' that has migrated to the whiteboard is actually really pretty. It has become an accidental collage.

A more purposeful collection of cards, notes and scraps of newspaper in a dusty corner of the room. Sometimes I wish I wasn't so inclined towards collecting 'stuff' but here it is... I am.

In Other News: We are having a very bad 'I want my pacifier' day at the moment with Esme. She is tugging me around and trying to tell me she wants it. I told her it is lunchtime soon - and I'm not putting her in there for a nap until after we eat. *lots of tears*

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