Sunday, January 12, 2025

snow in the yard

The snow in the yard yesterday (vs. a non-wintery picture of the same igloo in use during the rest of the year)  Lyffan the cat, and Melody the mostly blind goat.

The downstairs dog yard was nearly entirely melted today, although this was yesterday.

I obviously didn't go into the post office yesterday, and some places around here got historic snowfall on Friday.  We were recorded as having about 3.5 inches.  The upper driveway was quite deep, where the snow gathered at the top of the hill, but 3.5 sounds about right for the rest of the yard.  

The snow half-melted here yesterday, and it is supposed to get up to 40 F today. Mark wants to try to go out to town at that point and refill the propane tank. I had a bit of a slump yesterday, very tired, didn't feel like doing much, and napped. Then I went up and checked out the asphalt road (mostly clear), started the truck's engine for five minutes and cleaned the snow off the truck.

I went over all the steps of making oven grilled cheese with Esme again. She said it was a good refresher because in school they still aren't allowed to actually use the stoves for anything - the teacher has to do the stove part for them.  She said things like this 'recipe' would actually be useful, vs. making a cake with replacement materials like Splenda and vegetable shortening - which she would never want to make, or eat, and wasn't allowed to do the baking part on, anyway.  We've made cakes since then, and talked about the importance of ingredients, mixing with a mixer vs. mixing with a fork (still possible, lots more work but don't discount it as a process)  and order of operations (butter and sugar) etc..   She talked about how it is tough for them to learn when they aren't allowed to do things - and I told her I've burned my knuckles on our stove before (and showed her how) and she did all the process on the grilled cheese, using the hot pads and turning the food etc etc..  If she just keeps up practice, it will become second nature to her and she can use whatever facilities are in an apartment or dorm to the best of her advantage.  We were allowed and even expected to do the whole process from ingredients to finished cooked or baked meal, and cleanup - in our home economics class.  Things have changed on that, and it's not helping our kids out.

I've done laundry and dishes today and a little cleaning. Should do some more laundry this afternoon while it's warm because it dips back down with the cold tomorrow. All of our animals are quite upset it is still cold. Mark lit up a chicken coop lamp in the corner of the office and the little elderly cat has been basking under it.


I went out around noon, and got propane.  The roads were a bit touchy in a few places - I've got decent hope for tomorrow, though.  The top of the drive was the most worrisome thing I could do something about (as there was no stopping at the highway entrance, where there was another good patch of snow in the shade of some trees).  Then I made an omelet, and convinced myself to take a wide concrete floor squeegee out to the road and push off most of that deep snow.  I took the truck and made a new set of tracks afterwards, while the temperatures were still in the forties (Fahrenheit).  It's going to be freezing temperatures 30-32 degrees at the very most tomorrow... so if that gets a chance to get the road clearer, I was going to try it.  I've done a bit more laundry, towels and blankets.  I've got to turn the laundry taps off again here after the load that is in there finishes.

Lyffan cat, sleeping on one of the other blankets that is on the table by the laundry baskets.

Mark wanted me to take Esme to town with me to get the propane, but I didn't really even want to take ME out there, with the potential for ice and so forth.  He said how is that different than wanting her to cook food and use the oven etc etc that no one lets her experience at school because of 'safety'?   I couldn't think of anything to say to him except 'It's different.  I'll tell you how later, but I'm not taking her out with me today.'  I explained it later to Esme like this : Let's say the ice is like a bear in the yard.  It might be there, but we're probably not going to go fight it unless we have a really good reason to.  I'm definitely not going to take her out there to fight it with me unless there is an actual reason for her to be out there.  The ice isn't a bear.. but there will be a day when she says she WANTS to be there and see how to drive on it, or when she has to - and needs more advice etc.  But I am not going to just take her out when I'm doing something risky - getting propane on an icy day - because it is an 'adventure' and a learning opportunity.  If he wanted to go, that would be different for him - because he is an adult and can choose to go out there with me.  Cooking food in the house is different, yes, there is still inherent risk and she needs to do it to learn more, but it is a constant event and not a 'hey right now it's really risky to drive, let's go do it while we have the chance'.... *sigh* 

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