Wednesday, April 24, 2024

napzone and no green tea for you


our elderly tortoiseshell, Minion, on the roof of the house this morning

Mark's coleus plants he has been growing from seed

Woken up very early this morning by a confused dog, that I let outside, but then couldn't sleep again.  I finished the 19th level on Czech on DuoLingo this morning - and then slingshotted myself through the first unit of Hindi, as well.  I should be smelling my brain smoking.  Maybe that only happens for me with Spanish?  Finished the ottoman slipcover I was working on, and have it in place.  Laundry.  We went to a plant sale and I put my plants out in my raised beds for better or worse - tomatoes, cucumbers...  There is a morning glory coming up from seeds I put out months ago.  Harvested kale, and put it in the freezer.  Made cashew butter fudge with Mark.  Then crashed for a nap but was woken up by the same dog, again.  On to making dinner a little later.

Oh, and I have begun to not tolerate green tea, which is strange, but the last two times I've drank even one cup, I've thrown it back up.  Maybe it is the brand - something from a set of different flavored teas and not my usual brand I used to drink?  I don't know.. should record it down because that was not fun.  I was doing Japanese yesterday and using the word ocha over and over... and I had been sneezing lately so I was worried about getting a cold.  So, after a few cups of coffee this morning I waited a bit and made myself a nice cup of green tea - not overly brewed etc..  Drank it.  Did some more language lessons.. and was so specifically nauseous I could not get up out of my chair without bringing it back up :(  Remembered only then, that I had done the same thing a few months ago and felt it was a 'one-off' at the time... Felt fine after that though, and even ate and drank other things with no problem the rest of the day.

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