You have to remember youre only human. Although, sometimes it seems just the opposite because that shoulder stretches unnaturally far under 'normal circumstances and effort' and that big weight seems to move naturally for you as you pivot it around its center if gravity and use the extra reach and bounce in your limbs and torso to do something difficult for someone twice your size.
Just because you can stretch the limits of your body doesnt mean you really should. Just because someone wants twenty bags of softener salt diesn't mean you have to load them all and bruise every finger. And you can hip check the 200 lb vanity against the cart and the wall and load it yourself but you will pay for it twelve hours later.
You're used to it happening, expect it, but still it is a sign not to be ignored or worn like a badge... which it is hard not to do that because it keeps you feeling normal, maybe even 'super', when you are really breaking yourself in a thousand little cracks and tears. All the big muscles take that long to realize the strain and complain loudly... the small ones usually kill immediately after because you didnt think about the repetitve strain, but it caught up to you as soon as the muscles had time to cool down. Those hurt now, and in twelve hours will not only hurt but also throb and/or feel stiff like poured concrete between the strands.
Your muscles are made of weakened cotton string and too much pulling on them is going to show one way or the other. Save that for feeling the burn of swimming for a few minutes earlier in the day or knitting ten rows on your shawl. Save it for completing that project at work that needed to be done up and down the ladder but was somwthing a normal human could accomplish alone. Because yes it is going to hurt but maybe if it has to it should hurt from things you intended to do in the first place, and weren't a stupid thing for a normal person to attempt!
And remember it might take a day for today's muscle strain to heal or two months of struggle... you really never know, or something might not heal right at all. Youre only human... maybe uncommon in ways that make you feel alien - but still human.
// it is in the family but doctors had never mentioned it to me.. postural orthostatic intolerance was all they could agree on.. everything else was growing pains or from female 'issues' or migraines or just plain not healthy.. pneumonia and sinus infections and poor diet and weak muscles... a severely dislocated shoulder, two broken ankles and one broken wrist and another fractured wrist was just my being clumsy and choosing dangerous sports in gymnastics and martial arts. well, this explains nearly all of it, including the crowded teeth that are always inflamed and falling apart. Im not an alien... just a little broken in my code. Now that i am getting older the cracks and tears are going to cascade some and take longer to heal... so i have to change my habits which is not easy
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