Friday, March 23, 2018


The bits.  Esme has Spring Break next week.  Tomorrow is the garden day, but it might well rain on us.  We might go see a movie if it does.  I went out to do a math tutor session last night in Algebra - and got lost on the way there.. turned right when I should have turned left, didn't know I was on the wrong side of the highway for about 10 miles worth...eep.  Finally got there.. had to work hard to screw my math cap on because I was overthinking the problems.  It was factoring polynomials.  It's been so long... but I did get back on the horse.

Came home and tore apart our bookshelves looking for a certain book - only to realize with Mark's help that said book probably got destroyed years ago in an accident.  Ordered another one off of Ebay.. probably not same title, but it might do.  Found lots of books I'd been halfway wondering where they were... restacked things by subject (with Mark's help).  I made a tentative agreement to go back out there Sunday.  She has several things that have to be done by the beginning of May - that gives us a month.  I was worried she needed it all done in a few nights or the weekend at first and that was daunting!

Got a home-measurement for a shower at work I need to go on.. a set of cabinets to sell...and then maybe when I get home I can put some more dirt in the garden that we bought yesterday.  Esme bought some broccoli and catnip as her additions to the garden.  Now look it is going to get too warm and the broccoli and spinach will do what they always do... but we're going to try anyway.  I bought a package of fresh sunflower seeds for 8 foot tall sunflowers.

for reference : books
 chemistry books
Rare Earth Intermetallics 1973 by W. E. Wallace
Crystal Structure Analysis by Glusker and Trueblood, 1985
Introduction to Coordination, Solid State, and Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry by Glen Rodgers, 1994 
 math books
the Analytic Geometry by Ross Middlemiss 1955 is something Ive actually rebought before
the algebra book I went and purchased last night was
Algebra Structure and Method by McDougal/Littel
not pictured here is 'Calculus' Single Variable and Transcendentals by Stewart
Plane Geometry by Smith and Ulrich
Progress in Mathematics by Sadlier-Oxford (homeschool fare, excellent though)

 some misc things - including the Complete Book of Fresh water Fishing (which we got a kick out of finding again.. it was something Esme found at a library sale and she had to have it!)

 physics books
Modern Technical Physics by Beiser
Particle Physics The Quest for the Substance of Substance by L.B. Okun 1985
I have rebought a copy of "New Practical Physics" by Newton Henry Black and Harvey National Davis (by Black and Davis) c 1932 after losing one before.
Elementary Mechanics c. 1930 by I.C.S. Staff (parts 1,2,3,4)
not pictured:
Astronomy by Arthur M. Harding, c 1935

// note to self:
So you stayed up for two hours this morning instead of going back to bed to 1.) document these books so you don't lose a copy again the way the algebra book did and .. to realize you still need a book on transition metals and organometallic chemistry and go look for one.  *sheesh*... but ok.  Maybe _someday_ I'll actually get more than twenty minutes into studying this topic that keeps scratching the back of my brain with 'There is SOMETHING here I need to know.'

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