Wednesday, December 16, 2015


10a    - 3rd grade vocabulary words
    - minecraft
12p    - break

1p    - minecraft
//She created an immense statue 'hotel'... I took some screenshots.

view from inside the Statue's eye.

4p    - goegraphy google maps / streetview
I showed her the coast of Scotland near Edinburgh, the Moeraki boulders in New Zealand, baobab trees in Madagascar, villages in Nigeria and then she wanted to go see the Colosseum in Rome.  We ended on the Arch of Constantine, and discussed that she had seen him in her history videos.  She saw the inscription on the image and asked if it was ancient writing -and I found a translation of it for her.  I've studied both the Colosseum and the Arch  in art history and never knew just how very close they are to each other - so it put it in perspective for me some, too.
4:45p  - done

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