Wednesday, October 14, 2015


7.45    - math worksheet : three digit subtraction with borrowing
8.30    - English: Action Verbs, online practice and worksheet
8.45    - break

9.15    - library, looking up books by specific authors
//She read some of the Volcano Palace by Tony Abbott on the way over to the park from the library.
10    - park
//We met some homeschooled kids from Knoxville today, up visiting relatives.  Esme got to play with a whole family for quite a while.  I felt bad having to split it up but we ha to get back home so I could get ready to go to work for the closing shift.  I really wish there were other families around here to have meetups with, like there used to be years ago.
11    - break

11.15    - math worksheet, balancing equations
11.45    - break

12    - writing: falcon simulator review
12.30    - reading: Feathers not Just for Flying
12.45    - microscope examination of peacock feather
1    - done

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