Tuesday, August 25, 2015


9.30a    - reading aloud: "Wonder Horse" (to puppies)
10a    - half mile walk
10.15    - fossil hunting
10.30a    - house cleaning
10.45a    - break

11a    - house cleaning
11.30a    - reading: Backyard Bestiary, parakeets and lovebirds
12.15p    - break

4.30p    - researching and handwriting animal report 'Wild Chickens'
6p    - break
---Actually she started her research at 5, after I had come home, gotten settled in from work and explained what she needed to do and what questions she needed to answer.  She could read words off of the question sheet, type into Google, hand copy words back to her sheet and ask for help with spelling.  She was very good at all of this and put up with lots of writing.  She was really TRYING to be good today so she could play some Skyrim.

6.45p    - "The Miracle Worker" and discussion
8.45p    - done

We cooked Cheesy Joes (without tomato sauce) for dinner and she watched me cook.  We put in the Miracle Worker (the black and white one, which we got from Netflix) She was not enamored of it at first - and it starts out quite intense and continues like that for nearly the entire 2 hours.... but I think she got a lot out of it with massive explanation of what was going on and why.  We also practiced a little sign language alphabet.

She did play a little Skyrim just before bed, and we read 20 pages more of the Grimm Sisters book.

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