Wednesday, January 28, 2015


8.30a    - minecraft
9a    - "looming" (weaving)
10a    - break

11.30a    - gardening
11.45a    - copywork
1p    - outside PE
1.30p    - break

4.45p    - mathific
5.15p    - done

She was watching the Canterbury Tales and Frankenstein from her classic cartoons collection.
She showed me her weaving work, which was a good progress from yesterday.
Then, she planned to tape feathers on the back of fabric or paper wings and put her arms in them and fly.  We made it to her plan..and then it became a costume.  She was making a mask for it while I am typing.

I have the second toy plane to finish and hope to send them out tomorrow morning.  She has picked out bits for her own plane, too.

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