We found a steal at the flea market - an antique Singer sewing machine for such a small price, we had to scoop it up. It seems to work, too! The one thing we are having difficulty with is winding a new bobbin -- the instructions are wadded up and falling apart -- and this bobbin winder seems different than many of the ones we are looking at on the Internet. It is a 27-4 Singer according to the manual. We looked up the serial number (beginning with 'B') on the Singer website and it says this particular machine was made in 1904. However, since it has been refurbished, it might contain parts of several different models -- we're just not sure.
I play with the bobbin winder some.
A close-up of the winder in question.
There were also very good-smelling strawberries at the flea market!
Some knitting does still occurr here... A *secret mystery project* (No guessing!) started out of fine white wool.
Strawberries! *drool*
That sewing machine is an awesome find! Those suckers are great for sewing up leather.
Strawberries... Hee hee - are you sure I can't guess??
wow--that sewing machine is *gorgeous*
i love the close-ups you posted of it, too...Mark got some beautiful shots!
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