I tried a few things to get the car running today, but I didn't actually take the backup battery out and try to jump it, as there was still glare ice on the driveway and if I did get it started I would just have to shut it back off again after a bit and maybe go through all of that again to get it started when I do have to go. Although, I might do more with it tomorrow - the weather is supposed to get up to almost freezing 32 degrees tomorrow! But that won't really fix it. I did text the mechanic and find out that my other truck is not currently in pieces - and maybe we could swap it out so I can have a reliable transport to work for the next week.
Mark says not to worry so much - but I'm not good at not worrying and almost as bad at doing nothing, and I haven't been good enough to fix it, so I'm sort of hanging around in between. I could have cleaned the house more but I tend to get worked up doing that - artifacts from my mother's training, the more you clean the angrier you get. I never understood that one but I do emulate it. I played a little Minetest, in between taking readings on the car battery, trying to tighten the battery again, and charging up the spare battery (which is the wrong size for that car) that I could jump start the car with if I try to go somewhere. That doesn't promise I can get it jumpstarted again after I'm done with work there.... or that the spare battery would have enough charge for another jumpstart. So there's tangles there and not a solved problem just with that, either. The mechanic suggested just taking the cables off and cleaning them and putting them all the way back on could help - but the battery is worn down below regular charging amount, and will need to be charged back up, also. I might only get the one start and then be stranded the next time it shuts off.
But trading out for the other truck could work for a bit.
And then getting the battery replaced and find out if it is possible for it to stop disconnecting itself every two minutes and needing tightening after that battery is replaced.... gah.
I gave the post office a heads up that I might be having car trouble
that could extend into Saturday - which they read the message, but they
did not respond.
Sweetie is doing well with her leg -tried to chew on it once today and we put the cone on her. She was very pitiful. We do not need her opening that up when we can't drive anywhere to get it fixed. There are a few first aid things we could do here if we had to, but I'd rather not have to.
if you know, you know....
300 blocks down and now you've got to get back to the surface after satisfying your curiosity of what is that rapidly rushing water in the deep dark cavern you just dropped into and can only see four or five squares away from you until you've set enough torches to light all the way across.
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