There was a flu like thing going around the schools here and it is still going through the community - last week was our week to go down, one by one - but not with the full thing so far luckily. We're still not taking any unnecessary trips but I missed half a day of work and I allowed Esme two days off school although she was well on her way to better after the first day - that was the day I was starting to feel bad and if she was still not well and went to school and had to be picked up, that wouldn't have worked out too well. My boss sent me home after a few hours, and I slept off and on after that all the way to dinner, and then went to bed and slept another ten hours.
Anyway. I got back to asking a few more questions in the Minetest. Mostly 'what's over there?' and going there. I found a few more interesting biomes, and started actually giving places names again so I could remember one from another.
I've been orienting myself with the sunrises and sunsets, as well as my road network, which has become quite large.
of the roads are more like 'death stairs', though - but they do work
and I can make them a bit safer as I actually need to go that way again.
Other questions answered :
Yes, you can make coal in a furnace with just tree trunk bits burned by anything else wooden. Leaves also burn, but very very fast, so you'd need hundreds of them to do anything other than bake a loaf of bread maybe.
Yes, so far I see that wheat grows out to three deep from a water source - someone told me it should really do it to four. Will check.
Found a locked chest in a half-abandoned brick building in the middle of nowhere - made a lockpick and opened it - but it kept shutting again before I got everything out of it. Bug maybe. I was able to pick it again and again when it would stop letting me take things and back out of the inventory.
You can mine overhead while sitting in a boat - but you might not be able to collect the drops based on your velocity and where it decides to fall.
What are those ferns for? You can mix them with fiber (made from grass) and make fertilizer to improve your crop squares.
In order to make plain 'fiber' all you need is types of grass - lots of types work. But to make rope, you need to go break some dirt in the desert biome. It gives the dry grass clumps you might have been wondering where they come from - I was. And then the rope can be used to make a lasso, which I still have the fun of experimenting with. I haven't even used the net yet that I made in the other biome.
I also miss fishing in the original Minecraft. /thinks This is a bit like fishing for things that are already on land.
Well it took like ten minutes - I went and tried the net out on things. It works on sheep, pigs, skunks but not clams (roll eyes) yes I try things like that. It doesn't work OFTEN - there are a lot of misses. It makes the animal a 2D icon and you can pick it up, carry it somewhere, and drop it again, like in a fence. The lasso works the same way but I had much better luck with it on the pig right away. Interestingly the pig came up as 'boar' when it was 2D, and the sheep as sheep. I wonder if there are pigs that are sows, and sheep that are rams? Maybe not. I haven't successfully bred any yet. I don't even know if this version has that. With these tools to move them around, it's hard to tell either way.

The pigs (boars) can get out the fence easily. The sheep didn't. Also, in my inventory, the sheep do not stack - they each need their own inventory slot. I could not get to them to breed with hay, straw or wheat - although they looked at me and ate the wheat from my hand. I put the hay and straw both in the pen for a bit, and tried to feed it to them.
sometimes it feels like it is always dark and/or raining except for a few rare times.
I hadn't seen any monsters except that green saddled pig creeper thing - did take down several more of those with spears, because once you see them it's a good chance they see you and come after you. Then, I ran into trouble in a desert biome at night. I guess I'll call this one a sort of skeleton-sounding desert spider walker thing, from now on to be referred to as a desert spider-walker.
it's a bad screenshot but it's at night and they come jump through the air in a huge leap straight onto you after this... so needless to say, I have a sword and steel armor now. They don't drop anything (unlike the pig creeper which drops tnt) but they sound like bones when they fall over. The first one jumped down on me when I was mining a shallow hole in the desert at night and it would have finished me off if I hadn't started hitting it with the pickaxe.
Also found this sort of jungle biome. There are potatoes there, some wheat, and the trees drop apple saplings. It wasn't too far from a place with clams, and pigs are wandering around. I didn't build a base there, but there would have been plenty of food for one. Clearing some of the trees would have been the job. I built a road halfway through and then went back and decided it was time to go check out the new desert I had found. It had some gold ore just laying on top of the ground, which was unlike the other desert with the village that was on the other side of the map.
I am still looking for the sulfur, tin and copper which the online player manual does not talk about but I see in the creative menu. Where are they? That is why I thought 'let's check in the desert'.... and then the desert spider walker made me rethink my wandering strategy and I came back better armed.
More later.