Sunday, February 05, 2006

Puzzle Prediction comes true...

We are one piece short! **grills kittens over its whereabouts**
It is a picture of the dome of San Vitale, which was why it took so long!

Chris: Thanks for the link to Whip Up!, the animal dioramas were great, and the Hungarian cross-stitch caught my eye too! Also today, J sent me a link to a Get Fuzzy cartoon.

I turned the heel on one sock today (besides the puzzle) and have an apple/almond/honey 'experiment' in the oven right now, although J won't eat the honey either way... He is halfway on his way to making homemade hummus already. We shop for groceries once a week, on Monday, so tonight is 'What-can-we-make-with-this-stuff' night ;-P It's a choice, not a requirement, but we try to keep ourselves to it.

We have another Japanese-language film tonight. Just finished 'Twilight Samurai (2002)'.. very good, a tragic love story set in feudal Japan just before a revolution(I think.) If you don't mind subtitles, its worth it!

I've been spending way too much time at I know nothing posted there can be published in magazines, but I've gotten a few good bits of advice

I've been trying to clean :o( :o) The work is never done, but at least some of it is done, some of the time.


Chris said...

When I clicked on the link to San Vitale, I gasped "ohmigod" and started to laugh. No wonder it took a while! Sheesh. Hope that piece turns up..... but if it's in the place where SRM is, sorry.

You're welcome re: Whip Up! It's very fun. And the Get Fuzzy was hysterical!

Hope y'all survived dinner....

Chris said...

Oh! Whip Up just had a link to these very cute owls... and hmm, I wonder why I thought of you.

RheLynn said...

Heh, the piece may well be there. Funny cats know how to dial things there, but can't get them back? ;o) So far we've survived, no food-poisoning yet, this year... j/k J did kill the blender. Again. *sigh* This is our third one. I'm not sure what he does to them when I'm out of the room...

The owls are beautiful! I see several that are just elegant in their decoration. Thanks for the link!

Chris said...

You can order custom owls, too...

I hadn't seen the Blog Shares thing before - something to check out on a weekend.

Ladeewolf said...

I had a beautiful puzzle stored under the bed in a keeper-but I found pieces laying all over the place when Little grey found the keeper. I'm not sure now if I ever want to try to put it together. I just know some of its gone.

Chick Literate said...

Hi -

I really appreciate your link to my hummus recipe, but I wanted to let you know that my site has moved and I'd be very grateful if you could update your link to the new URL:
