Making some progress, both in Japanese and in other things - didn't do as much to that story as I had hoped I would, because I was doing other things - did finish a small painting and started some work on another bigger one that needs finishing
inspiration board
I made a few more synesthete polyglot images the other day.
The extent of my political comments is thus, because yea, it's September, and November is arriving much too soon. I know - it is going to be winter before we know it and that is always the hardest time to get through with weather, extra heating, holidays etc etc... not to mention the prices of everything has went up AGAIN after doubling several times already in the past few years. They say it's all going down, we just haven't had it reach us yet .. and yet, it hasn't reached us yet. Milk, bread, meats, gas, animal feeds, insurance, electricity - we've tightened what we can and I'm doing what I can to make it better.
We watched the 'debate', so loosely fitting that definition, which was actually two people yelling at each other and avoiding the actual topics, which is par for the course. I found it very interesting that the investment, financial and technical news stories I read on it all were saying 'this election is going to be very very close' and noticing the avoidance tendencies (pouncing on easy hot points and repeating themselves, instead of talking about what the everyday person wants to know their stance on) and those same financial news authors were stating they wish the actual questions had been answered, instead of returning to 'advertising and style points' while the other 'normal' news outlets all seemed to say whoever they normally lean towards won it and gloss over the fact that neither of the candidates said very much at all substantive.
//my take - I got a lot more of the actual info I wanted to know from those financial blogs and news sites, side-by-side policy comparisons, charts and numbers, which I guess the general public gets bored with that and just wants to hear about celebrities and shock-and-awe.
Today I went to that morning meeting and then came back home, ate leftovers, did chores and slept - there was a power outage tonight while we were eating dinner, but at least we had dinner made
nothing else much to report, waiting for phone calls and practicing spreadsheet stuff, have some more things I need to do Friday, including getting dog food
zivis is Fish in Latvian
poisson is Fish in French
peixe is Fish in Portuguese
魚 (sakana) is Fish in Japanese