Wednesday, September 18, 2024

early early long week

 Every day starts early early, even before the alarm, as the dogs begin to bark.  Keep on learning all the new things, so much at once it's like cramming a month into three days so far, and doing a lot of backlog they had stacked up of filing and so forth, trying to keep all the processes separate in my brain - and check check doublecheck every printed thing for typos (two today, *sigh*)  tomorrow is another day.  


//It's also been quite loud there, lots of talking, echoey etc... with a big temperature and humidity difference between the plant and the office, so I have a bit of a headache that I am putting down to that at the moment, besides being tired and needing to drink a lot more liquid that isn't coffee when I'm there.  Putting on my music and setting my alarm (although I expect Sweetie dog to wake me up earlier, and getting back to sleep after that is touch and go)

Monday, September 16, 2024

penguin at work


 wireless keyboard and mouse - we ended up putting in a wired keyboard

First day at the office job (still at post office on Saturdays) was good, just got to find out what their processes are and keep my eyes and ears open and not go too fast I miss stuff or mistype stuff because someone is looking over my shoulder.  More to learn tomorrow.  We had a lot of running around after work - going to have to get used to that - because so many things close now right after I get off here (and aren't open when I start!), it's going to be a bit harder to get some things done but not impossible  ie: bank, feed store, etc. both close at 4 and 5.  I did some Japanese at home (woke up way too early again, 3:30 am - stayed up and got ready) and some on my 30 minute lunch break, and finished the rest at home.  Laundry done, lunch made for tomorrow, heading to bed soon - try to sleep more.

After those dog baths yesterday and sitting in an office chair today I think I might have to do some yoga to stretch out my lower back!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

sunday dog wash


Did packages today.  Washing dogs tonight - and then start the job early tomorrow.  Did Japanese, and am planning on making the kielbasa and rice dish for Esme in a little bit - they are working on making another pan of peanut butter fudge right now.

Friday, September 13, 2024


Did all the Japanese today, and half of a postal route.  It was raining a lot.  I've got rice on the stove to put up, and Mark is planning on making a few pork chops.  Starting the new job on Monday.

Went and looked up the gauge fuse for the truck - it had popped again, and I need to try to fix it when it isn't raining.  It operates the gas gauge and the speedometer.

I took that budgeting video's ideas on calendars and made one that showed everything I have been tracking - Esme stared hard at it.  It's even got when we put the chicken feed or dog food into the bin vs. when I have bought the latest bag.  Gotta know where everything is and when it happens and then I can start getting it by the tail, maybe. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024


Some good news, will keep working on it, I work the weekend as well, then busier next week.

Did more Japanese today, got the dog food before the hurricane rains come in, and cancelled a meeting for tomorrow.  I also watched a budgeting video today - we do budget, but there are always things that come up that are 'left field' it feels like.  If I hadn't been tightening us up on our budgeting the past few months, and reducing possible trips at the same time, we would have had it worse.  After the video, I've got some more ideas for going forward - maybe save some on animal feed and my phone bill, but I just have to see what I can make work for us.  

ie: I've been tracking the 'frequency' of when I am buying the animal feed for the past few months to nail down exactly how much I need to get each month - and maybe start buying it more ahead of time and save trips.  I know there are 'bulk' as in, longer time plans than the monthly on my phone, and they are supposed to save, but I haven't been able to nail that down and commit to any more than once a month refill, either.  Those are those things you know you should do, and that they would save money, but they're hard to do when you are just trying to juggle everything.

Winter is on it's way, as well, and we'll need to figure out how to bring propane to the house for Mark's office heater (which saves us on electricity by keeping his room warmer, but the rest of the house stays colder, and Esme's room is right next to the heater and the house was planned to keep that room warmer, and it does) - since the other truck is not working and my mail truck has a topper on it, transporting it will be more difficult.  We might have to exchange more smaller tanks or find a strap the tank in standing up in the back seat.

I fired up the sewing machine and repaired a pair of jeans.  I've dug down in all of my old things and pulled out what is suitable and washed it.  I'm a smaller size now than I was five years ago,  closer to what I was ten years ago.  I definitely felt it this week that I wish I had a sister or a friend my size that I could trade clothes off with - but I may have to find a way to the thrift store since I will need some nicer looking clothes and I have some but not enough for full weeks.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Making some progress, both in Japanese and in other things - didn't do as much to that story as I had hoped I would, because I was doing other things - did finish a small painting and started some work on another bigger one that needs finishing

inspiration board

I made a few more synesthete polyglot images the other day.

The extent of my political comments is thus, because yea, it's September, and November is arriving much too soon.  I know - it is going to be winter before we know it and that is always the hardest time to get through with weather, extra heating, holidays etc etc... not to mention the prices of everything has went up AGAIN after doubling several times already in the past few years.  They say it's all going down, we just haven't had it reach us yet .. and yet, it hasn't reached us yet.  Milk, bread, meats, gas, animal feeds, insurance, electricity - we've tightened what we can and I'm doing what I can to make it better. 

We watched the 'debate', so loosely fitting that definition, which was actually two people yelling at each other and avoiding the actual topics, which is par for the course.  I found it very interesting that the investment, financial and technical news stories I read on it all were saying 'this election is going to be very very close' and noticing the avoidance tendencies (pouncing on easy hot points and repeating themselves, instead of talking about what the everyday person wants to know their stance on) and those same financial news authors were stating they wish the actual questions had been answered, instead of returning to 'advertising and style points' while the other 'normal' news outlets all seemed to say whoever they normally lean towards won it and gloss over the fact that neither of the candidates said very much at all substantive. 

//my take - I got a lot more of the actual info I wanted to know from those financial blogs and news sites, side-by-side policy comparisons, charts and numbers, which I guess the general public gets bored with that and just wants to hear about celebrities and shock-and-awe.


Today I went to that morning meeting and then came back home, ate leftovers, did chores and slept - there was a power outage tonight while we were eating dinner, but at least we had dinner made


nothing else much to report, waiting for phone calls and practicing spreadsheet stuff, have some more things I need to do Friday, including getting dog food

zivis is Fish in Latvian

poisson is Fish in French

peixe is Fish in Portuguese

魚 (sakana) is Fish in Japanese