Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Morning light

This is the perfect place
     if you are a kitten,
          to catch a glimpse
     in the morning light
of a bird upon a tree.

Sally sat still (kindof), for this 1/6 of a second shutter-speed. There is a good view through this window of our neighbor's roof, which has a telephone line strung up to a pole. Today two fat birds were sitting there, 'taunting' our girls ;o)

We have a meeting on the CSS again today -- this will be a doozy. I wish I had gotten more done on my page. H seemed happy with the progress yesterday, but I'm not sure how the others will accept the design. The last meeting was very... spirited. And, since this is the same day as the flea market (smack head) we have to do that next week :o(

Loch Ness Sighted in Tennessee!!

The Birdwatching Team

Japanese Prints Online


Chris said...

Good luck on the meeting!

Those are gorgeous photos - very lovely and artistic. You've got me wondering if I can actually lower my blinds for such shots without Chaos destroying them...

RheLynn said...

Heh I can just see that ;o) There is a *reason* one blind is up a bit more than the other... and it no longer comes down any further than that!

Chris said...

That black cat print is super cute! Thanks for sharing.

Heh, one of my accordion blinds has small kitten shaped rips on it - he flung himself off of something and landed claws extended on the blind. They went up at that point and rarely come down anymore.

RheLynn said...

**imagines mid-air Chaos**


The meeting was tedious, with many many minutes spent listening to people argue about things that really don't matter. (at least at this point in the design)

There were only two designs shown at the meeting, and of course, now everyone who didn't make one will start copying over and tinkering with ours. **growl!!** while I go and make more. Sorry, that bugs me.

Chris said...

I can relate, having been in many heinous meetings like that. Hang in there!

Heh, you have to picture tiny midair Chaos. I still get midair Chaos, but if he attached to the blind, it would come down now. That picture from last Thursday (when he was looking on the table)? I'm surprised that no one commented on how tall he is. He was almost eye level to the table........

RheLynn said...

You're right, he is tall! Have you ever measured him when he was willing? How tall is the table?