Just a thought, and one I've had for a while to make for myself a list - the 'stranger' foods that I keep in a cabinet all to themselves, that only a bit of this and that the other people in the house will even touch. My diet is quite a bite different than the other two household members, and it always has been. Esme mostly eats like her father does, but some of the things I make *intending to share* she will eat. There are a lot of meals I make that are just plain strange anyway - and I don't intend to share that meal, so why not? Sometimes my cabinet will go down in supplies for a while because everyone eats the other things and due to my upbringing, I feel odd /guilty having food that I'm the only one that eats, but usually - this stuff is not expensive, either.. it's the getting to a place that has it that is half the battle then it's deciding whether, well we're here - let's buy that three dollar thing and have it on hand.
My cabinet:
* next to the items that actually get used regular basis
* bagged dry brown rice, long-grain usually
* flavored chicken and Spanish rices, one cilantro-lime rice bag mixes
* canned coconut milk
* Golden curry medium-hot cube mixes in foil
red curry paste (Thai brand), bottles (I'm out, almost)
cans of black olives (which Esme really likes)
bottle of soy sauce (not usual, but I guess we bought extra, and I keep putting it back there instead of in the sauce/oil/vinegar cabinet because I'll just forget about it again out of 'sight' there)
dried guajillo chiles
dried onion flake
white sesame seeds
seaweed sheets (those little HALO things that come in 80 cent packs)
*peanut butter
*bananas (not in the cabinet, but I eat them often)
*onions (we use them, not quickly, sort of in spurts - but they need to be around)
*dry roasted peanuts
*bag of green split peas
*bag of yellow split peas
bag of adzuki beans (I got lucky and found them at a store near me!)
small white dried beans from the Amish store last year...
a tinned mackerel in olive oil, at least one
*canned pumpkin
*canned pineapple juice
**dried miso soup with tofu and seaweed (Esme eats this, too)
a few specialty ramen packages, tonkatsu, soy sauce flavors
canned water chestnuts
rice noodles
*canned green chiles (mild)
*at least one can of cheap tomato soup
tomato product with hot chiles, green chiles or roasted tomato cans
steel cut or other oats, barley
canned spinach or turnip greens
canned black eyed peas or similar
there's a bag of millet in there right now - because of the place with the adzuki beans
also a bag of French green lentils I've used a few times, same store
regular brown lentils
bag of dried red lentils
usually at least one of each:
can of red beans (with chili sauce)
can of black beans
can of lima beans
can of cannellini beans
can of mushroom pieces and stems
canned tuna
teas: black tea, peppermint tea, green teas, licorice tea, chai mix (minimum of these)
some containers of chicken or beef broth for making other meals
in the freezer : *brown rice flour, and whole wheat flour
Also in the freezer : *green onions, *kale or bokchoy *peppers *sweet peas kielbasa chopped and bagged
In the fridge : miso soup concentrate (which Esme does not like),* fresh carrots
thai fish sauce, soy sauce, green olives, sweet relish, wasabi sauce, *mayonnaise
*eggs from very productive chickens, *regular whole milk, *full-fat unsalted butter , a very HOT brick cheese that I eat, American cheese that mostly Mark eats and is good for grilled cheeses, white balls of mozzarella at times that Esme will eat on other things
Other cabinet :
peanut oil, vegetable oil, olive oil, sesame oil, balsamic vinegar, red wine vinegar, rice vinegar, apple cider vinegar
Family cabinet :
whole potatoes, sweet potatoes, regular family canned foods like fruits (oranges, peaches, pineapple, apples, cherries, cranberry sauce), carrots, green beans, corn (which I cannot eat), parboiled rice (which I'd rather eat the brown), and pasta and other usual tomato products that the family would eat, ravioli and spaghetti and chicken noodle soup etc. Of course family section of the freezer has regular flour, hamburger, chicken (mostly Esme uses) and the occasional frozen pizza
A few of the stranger meals I have made more than once and intend to again :
tortilla with mashed carrot and sweet relish
red beans with melted American cheese and carrots
canned pumpkin and lima beans
guajillo chile, tomato, onion and dry roasted peanut sauce on rice
Esme meals I make that she will eat on a regular basis with me:
frozen kielbasa, slow fried onions and peppers, along side scrambled eggs from our own chickens
specialty ramen soup with green onions, shaved carrots, sliced boiled eggs and sometimes pork meat from another meal
flavored rice mix (chicken, Spanish rice) beside canned fruit, carrots and eggs
pasta and sauce
openface shredded pork sandwiches with white mozzarella melted on top
grilled cheese sandwiches and chicken noodle soup
taco salad
'caesar' salad, with black olives, boiled egg and sometimes white cheese or that mexican melting cheese