Friday, November 23, 2012


I am sorry to say I was down and out this Thanksgiving - spent most of the day in bed with the flu.  I will have to do a raincheck for Grandma, sorry :(  Esme watched a bad stomach moment and was grossed out - she told me the flu virus was not in her stomach, she was going to squish it and make it dead and go away.  I had just told her I was going to puke - and she said oh - with the little 'l' in it, puke, yes I know... *roll eyes*  I spelled it for her - and that was pretty much it, because then it was a visual example after that (I had a bucket).  She then said 'Eww..  You are sick.  You are really really sick!', to which I responded : 'I told you so.'  She was very good considering Mama was down all day - she played PBS kids, Sims (where she took newfound interest in when they get sick) and watched movies all day.  She watched me cut my hair during the one time I was really up - the headache was so bad and I was fighting the nasuea at that point and needed to take my mind off things... that is the usual time for self haircut.  I did an adequate job considering, will have to fix little bits here and there.

Esme has been moving forward on her language at a greater speed - Martha Speaks and other shows she is watching.  And she has been asking for more definitions and trying to make bigger explanations of things she is thinking.  When she was eating dinner last night (we had grilled cheese and chicken noodle soup - she got all the noodles) she said it was going into her brain and splashing and feeding her brain and it felt good.  She held a sandwich up and said the butter and the cheese were so good.  When she had a popsicle before bed she told Mark and I that she had grape popsicles and grape fruit in the refrigerator, just like that - and she was thinking, the one thing and the other thing, and that is an idea, in her brain.  People have ideas, and  she likes ideas.  When we went to WalMart the other day there were toys wrapped up she wanted to look at, but they were covered with signs that said 'Not Available until Thanksgiving 8 pm' on them;. I pointed to the signs and told her what they said and she was sad but accepting of it.  I saw a noticeable uptick that night on her trying to decode things on the computer, and trying to spell words out, not always correctly.

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