Tuesday, September 22, 2015


8a    - School of Dragons
9a    - Gunpowder, making, history, uses; note taking
//She had been asking about this the other day and Mark told her some... they took time to investigate (on computer) some more of the details and historical significance.

10a    - Finding, harvesting, experimenting with charcoal
//we have a cedar tree that was burned a few years ago that still has charcoal inside it crumbling into pieces. Mark used that opportunity to discuss how it was made, how it can be used etc.  
10.30a    - break

11.45    - outside PE, half mile walk/run
12p    - bicycle repair
1p    - jacksmith game
1.30p    - done

I had to work early today, so Daddy took some time to do chemistry stuff.  We have a play date at a friend's house later tonight that she is already getting herself ready for, clean clothes and braided hair and et al.  Esme told me they also went over division and percentages and she understands that a lot better now.  I quizzed her a little, and she was right!  /We went to the birthday party for her friend G and came back home.

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