Friday, February 11, 2011

Esme's drawing: 39 months

Esme says this is a whale.
She drew this by herself last night while talking to my mom on the phone.
I'm posting this because she hardly ever tells me her drawings 'are' anything - usually her point is to scribble colors. Tonight she was very adamant that THIS mumum.. is a whale, and she pointed to the large oblong with a 'fin' in the middle of him and said yes, that, that a whale. She knows what whales are only from TV - Finding Nemo and her favorite movie lately Pinocchio.

One of the drawings I had made for her last week (and had her help me draw bits on copying) was a big fish with hair all along his back - he had eaten socks and apples. I think the vertical lines along the top of the drawing were her attempt to put hair on the whale because he is a fish too and I asked her if he was the whale from Pinocchio who ate Pinocchio's daddy. She found that fish drawing and told Nana about it and the fact that he had a big belly and a tail and had apples.

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