Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Blurry Night

Chinese character for 'tea'
is there -- first big character in yellow.

It was a dark and blurry night... err stormy night.. It's raining outside, I'm drinking this tea(I don't know what it says, if you know, let me know), and have come to the conclusion that I either wait a week to get better, or take something and wait 7 days.. or maybe that was in a movie somewhere...

anyway, that's me tonight. Hope you have a better one. Sally is doing her best to cheer me up by playing with her new ball (and coming dangerously close to gnawing on my server cable)...

Linky: I found this lady on Etsy tonight, via a flickr group -- I love the poppy relief cut she has made, and she made it into a beautiful pendant (although I liked the red version, and it is sold :o(

A little spider came into the room, just now, during the rainstorm.

I remembered what my Mother said, that his house was getting wet too, and it didn't have a good roof... most likely. So if he doesn't look poisonous, (that is important!) get over your fear and find a cup and a piece of paper or cardboard, to keep him in.

Hold the paper over the cup tight --
so he doesn't get out
and scare you more!

A spider crawling up your arm is not fun! (at least I don't think it is)

Then find a place outside that isn't wet right now, and let him go. You will feel better about it later, than you will if you squash him, and he'll feel better too --

That would make a nice little picture book, I think I might draw it later ;o)
As I've said before, sometimes I'm still just a little kid.

Case in Point:
I just put the spider out in J's tomato plant on the front porch.
~c. MLWM 2006

1 comment:

Chris said...

"...and she's kind to spiders." There are worse things to say about someone! :)