Sunday, April 26, 2015


We did the carnival on Saturday - Esme and I rode rides while Mark watched.  She has gotten tall enough she can ride almost anything - but I still didn't feel comfortable with her riding alone on several of them.  We had to cut one ride short as Esme was not really as ready for it as she thought - luckily we went so early we were the only ones on it at the time and the operator was accommodating.  She bought a little sequined Chinese foldout fan at one of the booths and it is actually a very pretty and sturdy souvenir. 

I put the squash seedlings into the garden and transplanted almost everything else into larger pots.  The folklore here is you don't plant your things in the ground until after the Fish Fry weekend -- I usually break that rule because it is warm enough long before it.  This year, it is not.  It still feels cold out there today for such things...  And unlike any other year - we still don't have our corn in the ground. I imagine the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland screaming 'I'm Late' and running in circles because the garden is barren.

Esme spent this morning building this entire snow castle 'as a surprise to mom'.  I did a little embroidery, that is still not finished.  Then she drew a puppet show background and little cardboard 'sock puppets'  and put on a play for me.  We've had a relaxing day - all except for the coolness.  Mark and I both looked into the water heater wiring to test everything - and found it working properly..doesn't explain why we still run out of hot water halfway through a bath every time.  I learned a lot about something that I had previously only seen in picture instructions.  Aunt Dot has sent  Esme a beautiful book of space transportation and history with detailed diagrams.  Esme has read her letter and I told her we need to write one this week.

This next week will be long - it is my six days-on stretch.
The rabbit will probably still be complaining about the garden all this week *heh*.
On to laundry, some reading perhaps and Esme wants to make Ramen noodles with me later.

 Each villager's house as a 'mailbox' outside it for letters.  The house in the back she said is mine and has a diamond set of armor, a 'gold crown' helmet and a sword.
 Two towers for lookouts for the castle, and armored horses and messenger donkeys with chests on their back for delivering the mail.  There is a 'chair shop' in one of the small buildings where the villagers buy their chairs.
I added the little garden and tree grove in the front when she asked me what I wanted to do in my new city.

For later: Article: Simple Homeschool Baking  We had said we were going to bake bread one of these days... and we haven't done much baking in a few months.  I like the 'once with mom', twice while supervised, and third time on my own method.

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