The main figure is a woman looking at the past - she is listening with big ears on her mask. The small figure shows a 'meeting of the minds' over a big idea. The 'stars' in the head of the small figure cross over in the message from the past to the future. Where the two masked figures cross over the color is blue, because it is happening on the plane of ideas. Leaves grow out of the forehead which is the big idea growing between the two figures. The main figure's hand reaches to the past to pick up a seed which is brought to the bird figure on her shoulder. The bird figure has a 'heart' to the left of it and also a heart to the right of it - with more leaves to show it has grown with the 'council' of thoughts (stars).
Basically, showing the drawings to Grandma and Grandpa and explaining some of the 'deep' stuff from them was a hard thing for me to do, but now that they have seen more of it they will know more about me, and I'll grow with that.
Was just at Grandma and Grandpa's - showing them some of my older drawings from when I came to live here with Mark, and while I was pregnant with Esme. I was drawing this while Grandma played with Esme - and she got into a lot of mud. She also needed a diaper, which is the main reason I told her she had to come home and have a bath. She cried up until the very moment she got cleaned up and ready to take a bath with her bath toys.. then she was happy as a clam. She just didn't want to admit to us she needed her diaper changed... she is getting to that point and sometimes will ask to use the big potty when she is at home, but mostly she just tries to avoid it being known that she needs to be changed - fights and cries and then finally gives in, then she is happy again after that 'crisis' is done with.
LATER: She is eating 'hot soup' chicken noodle and french bread and watching cartoons. For all the fuss she made getting her DOWN to the house from Grandma's, she is having a wonderful time now.
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