These are a few pictures Mark took of them at work.

Very big impressive machines. At one point I had told Esme they were monster trucks hungry for trees ;) But that probably isn't a good story to keep telling her *ha*

All of this was trees up by the road frontage of our house.

This is one of the trees they cut down that Esme got to stand on. We had tied green tape around every tree we wanted to make sure they left standing.
We also made a big decision today from our tax return. We bought a Cub Cadet tiller and Mark has half of the area for our garden tilled up. He wants me to go have a go at it in a little bit, after he goes over some blackberry vines in one corner. I have bought some heirloom seeds and a few others and we hope to have a manageable fenced-in garden this year.
Cucumber 'Homemade Pickles'
Tomato 'Oxblood' (for sauces and canning)
Squash 'Jarrahdale' like blue hubbard
Squash 'Turk's Turban', very colorful
Connecticut field pumpkins
Grandma has some heirloom zucchini seeds she says we can share
and some non-heirloom corn, bell peppers and another tomato.
We already used the tiller to dig the bed for Mark's morning glories. He loves to put them all along a long fence and watch them every morning during the year. We bought about five different varieties of those and planted them in succession down the fence along with some very good dirt from the co-op.
Oh my, this is a dream for me. I want a garden so badly. And don;t even get me started on goats! I have been threatening my husband with goats for a year1 This is just a dream.
I bet Esme loved those big machines. There was a crane working down the street from us one day, and we made a special trip down to see it!
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