Friday, September 30, 2011


sometimes I don't know where she gets it from, Mark or me... but I am confirmed over and over that it is an 'interesting mix.' The humor and the deadpan together... it is hard to tell where one ends and one begins.

We were watching the older Fantasia Dance of the Hours and I was telling her the 'choco-dye-as' crocodiles as she says them were going to eat the hippo that was asleep and she told me no they love her, they love her they are super dragons, they are chocodyas, see they supers....(they have capes) the super chocodya going to love her and save her he coming to save her there he is!' And then the main crocodile comes up and holds his finger up like superman and comes 'to the rescue' and makes batted eyelashes at the lady hippo. Mark and I were laughing, and he said 'yes, she is a thinker....' because I have been saying that here on the blog often. And then when it was all done, she is saying 'they did it all safe they did it!' so I clapped. I hear a very serious little voice say 'no clapping.' and she is sitting over there disapproving at me.

I can see this alligator toy on the Christmas list from Mama.

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