Sunday, October 02, 2011

when the tomatoes are coming out your shirt sleeve...

When the tomatoes are coming out your shirt sleeve it might be time to stop picking them and go inside and get a bucket! Ha, had you wondering where I was going, eh? Lots more yellow tomatoes today - I indeed had my shirt so full of them that they were coming down the shirt sleeve as they overflowed the makeshift pocket I was putting them in. I think they must have been hurried up by the nearly freezing temperature last night. I need to pick the beans again but did not see them overflowing. A huge pot of soup is on the stove right now - yellow tomatoes, beans, cowpeas, peppers, split peas and leftover pork chop trimmings from last week's cutting. It smells wonderful. I brought a crysanthemum home from work that was on sale - and planted it in the garden. Everything seems to be doing well enough, except the radishes have a bit of yellow on them. I hope the frost doesn't come earlier than it is forecasted.

New blog find, very unexpected and also superb :
The Yellow House

1 comment:

rsctt said...

we had a superabundance of tomatoes this year!