Saturday, September 24, 2011


I was making a pair of hippo toys for Esme last night with an open mouth, finally getting back to this plan from way way back.....because I saw a Playmobil hippo that was aweseome, but didn't want to spend that much on it. She saw me looking at pictures to make the pattern from - pictures of hippo toys plastic and wood and fabric and real hippos, as well. Later I was sewing and she comes up to me with a wooden puzzle piece I haven't seen in ages - it has a hippo on it. Mom, look, a hippo for you! Are you happy? *love*

gotta run to work - still in that haze. Esme had a wonderful time at the birthday party and did not want to leave, of course. She roughhoused so badly with one of the boys they could have made their own football team!

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