It was hot enough a few days ago for tank tops and shorts and sandals - and today it is 48 degrees outside. I am still enjoying the additions to my handmade wardrobe, several short sleeved 'camp' shirts (brown was pictured, red was not) and two tank tops. I'm also enjoying the tulips that were 1.00 a pot yesterday. They remind me of what my mom had growing outside our house when I was growing up. But, I think it is too cold today to plant them outside. They are spring flowers - that is probably a funny thought. I've been a lump most of the day and now Esme is bundled into long pants and a sweater to go play in the yard with her shovel and pail (which I found this morning). I really have no desire to do much right now - which isn't like me.
I'll bring my knitting project, the lap blanket, out and a cup of coffee and watch her scurry about. Grandma seemed very tired yesterday so hopefully Esme will be happy playing outside and it will warm up a little bit for us.
LATER: Made a banana bread cake and it turned out 'okay.' Esme didn't like it, would barely even put a bit on her tongue so she really didn't even try it. Mark said it was 'okay'. I think I should leave the baking to him because he does a better job. But I do enjoy doing it - and will eat that at work myself. Finished the shirt I started for Esme the other day and was interrupted on. It was made of the remnants of my red camp shirt. It is a bit too short for her, and maybe a skitch too wide - will add the ruffles to it another day and it will probably be long enough. And I should make another one out of remnants again before cutting into the good fabrics from Mockingbird Threads. She was sitting in my lap while I was sewing which was fine and good until I tried to put her ponytail back up and swiped myself through the eyeball with it. Ouch! And then she wet herself on me in the next second. Yay. Is Murphy visiting our house? We sat down to read Alice, then Daddy put the movie on, and now she is fast asleep in her bed. I am ready for sleep, too!
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