Thursday, January 28, 2016


11.15    - Writing: A Vampire's Life in Skyrim
12    - PE: 100x JJ, 50x 15lb bench, 10x 20lb squats
12.15    - shower curtain assembly and hanging
    - how it works / loading dishwasher
12.45    - break

2p    - Math worksheet "Elevator problems" and "Flowers for Mom"
2.30    - English worksheets: reading comprehension
2.45    - 4 color puzzle worksheet
    - 24 peice jigsaw puzzle
3.15    - break

4:00 - Indian House outside - She called this Engineering.
4:15 - Helping cook dinner : scalloped potatoes au gratin

She wants me to look up more things for Engineering, and to start the Crash Course Kids series she saw on their list about Engineering.


4:30 - Nova 'Magnetic Storm'
5:30 - done

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