Anna Maria Horner's Slow Crush
copyright by Free Spirit Fabrics
This really shows the 'dream' aspect of it. I think it would make a beautiful skirt to a plain bodice dress.

with Andalucia Firey Stripe in floral by Patty Young
This was a single fat quarter I saved for SO long. It was so strong it drew me in, and yet the color combination seemed to toss it out of every other project until... as I was cutting out this red dress I needed something extra for a panel to make it a drop waist. This one piece was just the right size, and it seemed to speak out that finally, it had found the right place.

'Sanctuary', also by Patty Young
pretty oranges and lemons and cucumbers
I put this fabric away somewhere at New Year's and haven't found it since *growl*
I had several things made out of Chocolate Lollipop by Anna Maria Horner, but haven't been able to locate any pictures of them.
In short, I keep going through the pages and saying 'oh that is pretty', clicking, and seeing these two names. It is interesting to see it continue year after year, collection after collection. Patty Young's "new" Flora and Fauna collection is astounding me, as well. Beehives, hummingbirds and pretty saturniid moths can be seen at this Etsy search.
I might go dig for that orange and cucumber fabric ;) I should locate it and make something out of it.
I love anna maria horner. I am still kicking myself for not getting two sets of her good folks line when it was still widely available.
so pretty, thanks for tuning me in to that collection!
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