went to sleep with his stockings on,
one shoe off and one shoe on,
Diddle diddle dumpling, my son John

Esme fell asleep in her chair while watching her little projector toy (which a friend at my work gave her a few months ago). She had been outside in the yard playing for about four or five hours straight with just juice and had not wanted to come in for lunch. She finally came in and was watching the 'Finding Nemo' tape on this projector (she calls it the fish and/or doggie machine, as there is a 101 Dalmations tape, too.) and then it ended and she was very very quiet... fast asleep, still muddy from the yard and did not even wake up until I had her on her changing table putting clean clothes on her. That sort of aborted the nap idea... Then I put her to bed with the real 'Nemo' DVD on and gave her chicken and orange juice. She ate that, and laid quiet for a long time watching.... then she got up and ran around downstairs with us as the storm began to roll in. She is standing behind Daddy's chair and rocking him while singing the lullaby song from her dollhouse. She might go to sleep sometime between now (9 pm) and 11 pm... I'm kind of glad when she doesn't take a nap in the middle of the day, because then she doesn't go to sleep until midnight or afterwards!
I have a pair of drawstring pants cut out for me and need to take a few minutes to sew them up. I've finished one blue dishcloth and working on a second. It still has been a very laid-back sort of day, I didn't put any new seeds in the garden but I did weed a bit in the corn and harvest some basil for drying.
Last night's recipe:
one medium zucchini sliced up in a pie pan with olive oil, vinegar and a little water to cover the slices. One large clove of garlic sliced up, handful of black olives sliced up, half a small can of tomato sauce, dried basil. All of that cooked at 400 degrees during the same time a pizza for Mark and Esme was in the oven - then turned down to 200 degrees. Drained the water out and chopped a small amount of mozzarella and cheddar cheese - put it on the top of the mixture and broiled it until the cheese melted - put it in aluminum foil and ate it cold today for lunch. Very worthwhile, even moreso cold because the zucchini 'squeaked' when warm.
1 comment:
Cutest, cutest pictures!
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