Minor nose catastrophe yesterday morning as I was serving Esme her breakfast. I set it on the table, she took three bites and ran off after a cat. As I was calling 'Esme - come back and eat your breakfast!' I hear TH-THUMP TH-THUMP at the bottom of the stairs. Somehow she managed to skin her nose falling after the cat there. She cried - and I carried her to her chair and set her in front of her breakfast. Then she stopped crying and asked for a 'zebra cake' sweet. I told her no, and she pretended to cry again and then ran back after the cat. *sigh*... the nose took a few hours to 'develop' while I was at work - but it looks like it will be all better in a few days, unless she bumps it again somewhere.
This morning she was having swing rides for her dollhouse girls on a leash hanging on the wall for the dog. One doll was swinging and saying 'this is fun! push!' and the other girl was 'pushing' and/or riding as well and saying 'we're going to fall AHHHHHHH' then they had a fight over whose 'mine' the swing was, and one girl fell. I told them to play nicely on the swing *roll eyes* and they did for a few more minutes. Sometimes she cracks me up with the things she comes up with.
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