Sunday, August 25, 2024

work weekend


Getting through the work weekend.  Cooked today when I got home, as today was just packages, but yesterday was a full route and I got home later.  I got groceries on the way home, just to test the vehicle.  It started okay, and I took measurements when I got home (still data geek here).  Mark and Esme made a meatloaf, and then soon after dinner I crashed.  

I took measurements yesterday after making that extra stop, and today after getting home with no stops - and they were about the same.  The battery light is still on, which is why I'm still data-mining to figure out what I can myself about the situation.  There are other reasons it could still be on, and none of them are good.  But it does keep starting and there isn't any big exclamation point saying 'it is clearly this', either.    I'm not quite on edge as I had been about it the other day, but the mouse isn't asleep either (I'm still slightly worried about what in the world is going on).

I could make more bread and more quiche today  - we have lots of eggs, and I have the time.  I don't know if I'll get around to it.


Have done my Japanese on two platforms and put laundry in the dryer and am thinking of falling over for a nap.  It is very hot, and I'm not sure how well that will work out. My Japanese is coming along well, but my French is leaking through the cracks while I'm doing work.  The word for this or that in French has sort of just popped up during the day, although a lot of Japanese review has been going on in my 'undercurrent' as well.  It is sort of nice because one of the automatic (automagical?) things that happens then is my brain starts trying to translate between those two languages as well - and make cross-connections, which are very useful later.  I have three more Japanese things to do later today and I might let myself do French on one of those instead or do a French/Japanese translation chart.

Still playing the Stardew valley game in French, a few minutes yesterday before I finally went to sleep.  My little orchard keeper is filling her orchard up with fruit trees one by one.. and keeping up with the other things that happen in the first year of the game.  There are a lot of milestones in that first year, which is perhaps why I keep starting over and playing it again from other directions and with other techniques.  She has to get her chicken coop, and silo, barn and house expansion all saved materials and moneys for, while also growing crops, advancing in the mine killing monsters and mining materials and filling up the community center boxes with all the different things it wants and she has to go and find near and far all over the little world.

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