Friday, August 09, 2024

Cooking, cats and working with my brain

Notice there is a comma there, we aren't cooking cats, this is about cooking, cats, and working with my brain.  Which of course, yells about that comma /ha

I know my 'ADHD' isn't as bad as some... and that I can use my brain to load 'new programming' and sometimes it even sticks.  But I still feel like maybe I can offer something, to someone - that might help things 'stick' for them.  So I'm continuing my collection of 'Neurodivergent Cooking' ideas and recipes at the Patreon website.

I was trying to explain this to Esme this morning - how sometimes I have two or three 'alarm locations' for the same thing I had already done - but I find them useful, and encourage them.  It took a while to try to get it written down in something I hope someone else can understand and use.  I tried to explain it in this post about 'Redundancy'.


Got the pictures off my phone from the past few days.  A cicada I saw at the end of my mail route yesterday.  I've heard a lot of them - but hadn't been able to catch one up close till then.  When I opened the box because I did have a letter for them - the cicada just plopped down on the ground.  Sorry dude... I can't help with that.

Lyffan (above) said she didn't have any part in spilling coffee on that shelf below, which just doesn't wash clean well anymore, and I tend to put shoes on it, besides cats, and soforth.  This is another example of why are you doing that now?  Because I think of doing it a lot - (cleaning, painting) but I just don't have the energy for a lot of it always, and sometimes I can break it down into a small task that can be done right now - and if I can get myself to do it right now - it takes a chunk off the bigger task.  

So, this picture pushed me to get out the white gloss paint and put a new coat on the shelf -  after it dried from cleaning and wasn't really looking that clean even after scrubbing.  It is just a particleboard garage shelf anyway - it started out that way, and I haven't painted it in a long time.  If I can just keep cat paws off it while it dries.  I scrub the desk down every couple of days, too - but it always seems to have a bit of coffee on it even when I use coasters.  Cats don't fit on coasters, apparently.


better, cleaner... for the moment

'make it better' doesn't have to be a huge thing every time.  But it does require that extra push to get over the hump and all the 'buts' (but a cat might walk on it again while it's wet!) and just do it.

Not a Quiche - maybe Strata? recipe at Neurodivergent cooking

That applied for this 'quiche' that was actually perhaps Strata ( a greek egg casserole dish, but usually containing old bread, eggs, and vegetables).  I knew it wasn't an actual quiche, spent time looking that up.. and then realized that I didn't even actually know how long it was going to take or what other people would use for ingredients.  But hey - I know what I'm doing.  But what I'm doing is usually not what others are doing.  What I'm doing falls in between the gaps of what other people do ALL THE TIME... but I still seem to get things done and sometimes I get a lot more done than others, except all over the board and it looks 'painful' to others.  That is why I am making that website - because I feel like what I do now, vs. what I did twenty years ago, works better for me.  I do things at odd times, in odd ways - but it is still good.  In fact, it's great - because I do it, instead of waffling or being stuck in 'but it isn't the proper way'.  I find benefit in that, and someone else might, too.  And it is delicious, if you like eggs and green things.  *ha*


Maybe someone else who doesn't have cream or a crust for their quiche, or needs to use brown rice flour instead of regular flour, will find it, and like it.  Maybe it will give them an idea to make something of their own that becomes part of their repertoire of recipes.  


for posterity - the boildown

Not a Quiche, maybe Strata : Recipe

six eggs, about 3/4 cup of whole milk? (that's a guess - look at the recipe, I took pictures), assorted green things from my garden, well washed and chopped fine (arugula, parsley, lemon basil, chocolate basil, a green onion, a shishito pepper), stirred together, then added about 1 cup (little less) of brown rice flour, salt, less than one teaspoon of baking powder, all mixed up, bits of hard white cheddar cheese cut up fine and strewn on top - bake at 350 degrees, took about a half hour in a ceramic baking dish.

Languages : I've done French, Chinese, Japanese and Russian the past few days.  I read a children's book in Spanish that used grammar I am still learning about past tense and another one that was in Cyrillic and I'm not sure entirely if it was Czech or Russian because I only got a few words here and there - but it was still practice.  I read another children's book in Japanese, and only got a few things here and there, but was really happy for what I understood before I looked things up.  There was a box at the post office yesterday that I recognized the kanji for 'white' and the kanji for 'wood' in the checked boxes on the side of someone's dresser they had ordered.  That was a 'I bet no one else gets that, or cares, but I smiled anyway because a year ago that would have been garble to me and now, it's words!'

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