Tuesday, August 13, 2024

after a long route

Well, the route actually got done about 1:45 pm.. which is a bit early for it - but it wasn't easy, either.  Then, I ran all over returning library books and getting the last of the groceries that I had forgotten / wasn't sure about getting the other day.  Then I made a quick soup to go with the bacon sandwiches Mark was making for dinner. Fed the animals, and watered my garden, and I'm headed to bed.  Dishes and laundry can wait until tomorrow.. I truly hope so.  Did a few different languages - oddly, French was not one of them today.

The soup was just a can of chicken noodle soup, a can of sliced carrots (with water), white onion and spices - and I let it simmer for a half hour, but it really could have used a whole hour.  It is the first week of school and everybody in the whole world seems to be sniffling - bus driver, people at work, people at the grocery store.  I told my daughter the soup was 'triage' ahead of time - and I gave her a small dose of pineapple juice in tea this morning before school, as well.

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