Monday, August 19, 2024

how we motivate

it's Monday

ok brain, we're at 80% but we can drag ourselves up

yes -- I'm here talking to my brain/body like it's a second person, because it's a conscience: (jiminy/pinocchio) type feeling a lot  like I know what I have to do (jiminy conscience) but I have to pull myself with hooks and ropes to get it done bit by bit (pinocchio/puppet)

got Esme off to school, fed the chickens

did the dishes and the floor towel/rug laundry

cleaned some other things (sink, stove, counters), swept some

--it's not everything that it needs, but it's some, and that's better than none

--if we didn't do the some when we can, none of it would get done

--told myself to pick two more things that I don't do everyday that should be done right now

//cleaned the cat food counter (Loki did not appreciate, and he attacked my feet very gently later because he had been shooed down)

//washed one of the concrete floor sections (but then the cleaner was too much for Mark and after I do one section I'm kind of done, too and worry about getting a headache from it, and from the hanging my head down and getting back up etc etc..) 

did my Japanese homework on two platforms, that leaves two more later

-- my remembering ear is getting pretty good for Japanese, almost as good as for Welsh and French.  I can remember most of what I've heard in a single long sentence and where it should go (order)... but some of the in between things like 'wa' and 'to' and 'mo' I still have to ask 'did I hear that?' etc.  My vocabulary needs a big expansion, doing babadum for that and realizing how very little DL has given me for word number

made my budget paper for the month so I know what I need to remember

--that can be depressing and I've got it in my head but that's not the same as writing it out and filling in figures and checking things off 

--asked myself what was one thing I had asked myself for a number on (spending, percentage, etc etc..) that I didn't have a firm answer for last week?  Check that.  (which means finding a paper it is on) Ok, I know that for certain now.  Rarely when I have those questions am I anywhere I can look it up.. and then I forget to when I have the time unless I store it in that 'mental box' AND check it when I have a moment.

made a grocery list, checked the animal feeds

--one of the grocery items limits where I can go for it, and that makes getting the feeds probably another day

smacked myself that I have to check the oil in the truck

--whimpered that I need to check the transmission fluid, as well (very difficult, it is so far down in the engine after they did that rebuild a few years ago I have to fight with it several times before I get anywhere AND then if it needs some, I have to close it up, go get some, open it again AND find a way to get it down into that tiny space - last time I rigged up a CPVC pipe and a funnel and some tape in order to get it done)

--and I should go do the checks on the truck before I go get the groceries

--so I'll know if I need to buy oil or transmission fluid while I'm out

and none of that is going to do itself by my checking my email and my social media and drinking more coffee

// checked the oil - it was ok, checked the transmission fluid, it was ok

// took the truck to town, and filled it with gas, got the animal feeds

// then the battery light came on (long story, has to do with it being a mail truck with a return spring that breaks a lot on the brakelights) - and realized I had not been pulling the brake lights back up this entire trip which I needed to do since the spring broke again on Saturday

// came home instead of getting groceries, and put it on the charger (after the charger alligator clip was broken, and we had to fix that first)..

// can someone please send me a bucket of luck or something, I need it

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