Friday, August 16, 2024

small things

 There is a bird at the bus stop, a red one, who has learned to mimic the school bus sound - or as close as he can, not like a jay or catbird would, but he is trying to get the melody down, in case it is a good song.  We talked to him for a second this morning.  I said : "Chirp Chirp.  I see you." even though he was in the top of the silver maple trees... and he thought (or so it seemed) 'Oh No, she really can see me!' and flew across the road to another tree above our heads.  So I did see him, and he was red - and then as the bus began to back up and do it's 'beep beep beep /flash lights noise' he tried to make a different little bit of high pitched song in the same canter.  I didn't want to miss writing about that.

A few weeks ago we put more potatoes in the box by the window.  One had grown roots, and the others were all in a wrinkly state.  And I've almost forgotten about them - a thought here and there, usually when I am nowhere near them.  But this morning I remembered a thought of a thought, and told myself if not today, it will be days again before I might think of them.  So I went down and took a look, and they really hadn't advanced any from the original state.  They were sort of dried out - it has been so dry lately.  But I took them outside anyway and prepared the bed I had been thinking of, and placed them down in the very dry dusty soil, which was not deep enough but dug as deep as it was going to easily.  I got a five gallon bucket of dirt from our holding pen by the garage, where it had been composting in the dark beneath a kiddie pool - and carried it to the garden to spread over the top of the potatoes.  I watered them in.  They have a chance - even more perhaps if it rains.. or at the very least, they will fertilize that soil for next year.

I made a bread omelette this morning, and ate it with tomato and peaches.  And for lunch I finished the last of my pea soup.  I hope I hadn't wrecked all the progress I made the past two days on this sinus infection by playing with all that soil. I slept a lot yesterday, and drank water and other liquids to the point of nausea.. been still working on drinking today, but I should be doing more.  Have not fallen over for a nap though, although I thought about it.

leftover soda bread crust from the soda bread I made two days ago, folded into an omelet, and served with tomato and fruit

I made it in my tamagoyaki pan, similar to the omurice omelets I have made for Esme a few times.

I played Stardew Valley in French, and learned a few little strange things the past few days that I didn't know how I missed before.  You can cast at a diagonal with the fishing rod - I always thought that was a 'tease' that you wish you could, but you can't and they put things in unreachable places just to prove that to you.  But then I found it by accident.  If you press any of the walk direction keys while you are casting, the cast 'drifts' in that direction from where you are standing... *blink*

I did more Chinese characters, Japanese DuoLingo and babadum, and a little bit of French.  I dipped back into WaniKani after a very long time away (Japanese kanji) and was sitting there staring at the symbols saying 'what is it.. what is it...' felt a little like middle school.  I got 73% of the ones it threw at me right though, but I had '380 reviews' and bailed after 100 saving the rest for later *ha*  I read more cooking blog in Norwegian, and am getting the ingredients down by heart better, but still have to use translate a lot.  Work on the weekend, am looking to do the laundry here in a minute.

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