Sunday, August 04, 2024


true story : when one day you set an alarm for 5pm to make sure you get up and feed all the animals and soforth, but you never actually end up going to sleep and miss the alarm while you're doing things, and then day after day you think - but I do fall asleep for a nap sometimes in the afternoon - a 5 pm alarm makes sense - and just turn the alarm off when it happens, whether you're asleep or not - as a reminder 'I should be awake now, things to do'.. and then weeks later realize : this is just my 5 o'clock alarm now, nothing to see here, move along.. no why would I get rid of it, it's the 5 o'clock alarm, right?  

(above : Loki and Minion enjoying our hexagon structure outside above the fenced in yard)

 R(x)=Pi(Chips + Salsa)

For some reason, I thought of that in the middle of last night and it made me laugh.  I enjoy that - when I am sleeping and something so absurd but highly specific comes up, and I have to wake up and write it down.  It's not always so funny once I've done so, but anyway, it's a spice of life.  Much better than the twisty-turny even weirder dreams I have, some of them are great, but usually confusing, cave of wonders type places, foreign libraries with books that don't exist, work in a parallel dimension type thing and time travel paradoxes etc.

It's been the work weekend - short route but got overheated anyway on Saturday, lots of extra work once had gotten home and sorted myself out - we cloned the prettiest of our coleus plants and some more begonias, repotted petunias and other things.  Then I had some more work today, and we talked about but did not repot the ivies - Mark is thinking about what kind of trellis would be best for those.  And I work tomorrow, too, now - I found out a few hours ago.  Been trying to keep my hands in order, and my knee from hurting, and get enough sleep, took a two hour nap this afternoon but made myself get back up at 5 pm.  

we did six tubs of these!

the purples are so vibrant
we're cloning the prettiest ones to increase our gene pool as we will be collecting seed from dozens of plants to save for planting next year's crop

found a little non-dangerous brown ringneck type snake under the watering trough, numerous frogs and beautiful little (and very fast FAST) skinks

Have done Japanese, French, Hungarian, Chinese and Catalan (from Spanish) language lessons.  Have played a lot of Stardew Valley in between things (a 'day' takes about 15-25 minutes in the game, and it can only be saved at the end of a day) and that is all in French.  I find it funny sometimes I have a hard time talking to Esme about what is going on in my game because my brain immediately wants to bring up the French word for everything - Tonneau instead of Keg, Bacal, instead of Preserving Jar.

Duolingo main profile : About to reach level 9 in Chinese, level 12 in Catalan (from Spanish), still at level 10 in Hungarian (from months and months ago), but halfway to 11.  Japanese at level 19.   

phone profile: Catalan at 9, Japanese at 9, Hungarian at 5   Definitely see the differences as I've only been playing on the separate phone profile for little over four months (150 days), and usually just about the minimum, as well, compared to years of work on the other profile and 30+ languages bouncing around, and depending on how much time I have etc.   One thing I do like about this 'tandem' of doing the same language at diff. levels is that it shows me where my weaknesses are in the higher level one when I've just done some lower level stuff and vice-versa.  And the phone has the speaking lessons, which boy - I feel like I know some of these until I try to get that combination to come out of my mouth and sometimes I'm pleasantly surprised and other times I feel like that cat in the l'eau meme (included below, for completeness) that can't get it's tongue to stop curling.

Water... - 9GAG

not my pic, for reference only, as it is a famous meme

Will try to find out this week if they know anything more about what happened with our truck.  Originally, they said it was just low on gas, but then I told him about the water in the gas in the town and asked him to check it a little further to make sure we didn't end up with the same dangerous situation from before.  When it started doing the weird stuff the gas gauge was well above a quarter tank... and by the time he got it started and working again, he said the gas indicator light was on.  Mark says that is a good sign something was 'up' there, and condensation or water in the gas mixed with it being an old vehicle could have caused a false reading there, at the very least. 



I've done the laundry and need to steer myself towards sleep for another long day tomorrow.  Three pink tomatoes from the garden - they look so strange on the counter with our pink and green eggs.  Speaking of eggs, all of the other chickens seem to be doing okay, so far.

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