Sunday, August 11, 2024

Of Frogs and Squash

What was supposed to be a long day of delivering packages, turned out to be hardly anything.  We joked are people stopping buying things or is it all coming tomorrow?  I have tomorrow off, but I work on Tuesday.

Went out and took some pictures of the basil and coleus, and happened to catch a few pictures of a little frog that was hiding in the soil until I began to water.


coleus, in brilliant purple and reds - we took some clones off these and others and they are all rooting nicely


small frog, smol forg, according to Mark

he sure posed well, for me, among the leftovers of my green onions here

 I cut up this butternut squash, which today had finally lost the bits of green it had.  The picture is from when I had it about a week, and now as at least three weeks.  It was from a farmer's market and fresh from the field (store bought ones are usually aged quite a bit longer to start with).


I peeled the outside with a potato peeler, and cut it up into julienne 'matchsticks' - and cooked some of it in the toaster oven, then mixed it with rice and cheese.  Finally, I made a tomato sauce and poured over the top of it.  It is not a dinner Mark or Esme would eat - but I was very happy with it!  I really like the taste of orange squash like this.

Butternut Squash 'au gratin' (and tomato sauce) <--follow link for Patreon 

I used the toaster oven on the squash and then added the precooked rice and cheese and toasted for another ten minutes, then made a simple tomato sauce

 We had some mashed potato that had been in the fridge over a week - and I mixed that up with a little milk and three eggs and fried it for the dogs to eat after dinner - because Mark and Esme had pizza, and there wasn't much of that as scraps, and there was hardly a spoonful of mine left at the end.  They were quite happy with that.  I need to learn to make that so that it stays together and cooks through at the same time - but for them, it doesn't matter.  It smelled good enough that I took a bite with them just to see what they were getting.

Tomorrow, we need to go get some of the groceries that Mark has been keeping on a list.  I had gotten a few of them here and there over the week when we deemed them 'urgent'.  We also need to get goat feed, because now she will only eat that one kind of food from the Amish store, and she is doing very well on it (it is alfalfa and oat pressed pellets) and the dogs are eating it out of her bowl as some sort of snack or camaraderie, along with eating their own dog food, which she does not do well with and we have been working hard to keep her out of.  

Languages : I've done mostly French, Japanese and Chinese today.

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