Saturday, March 25, 2006

Jackson trip, I fell off the bandwagon!

Pictures still not loading here with Opera, so this is at flickr:

Oh No! -- Sally got ideas from Jeanne's cat!

Cool link : Tea Chef <--free sample of gunpowder tea this month.

I fell off the bandwagon with 'Use what you Have'... it was bound to happen ;o) :o( We went to Jackson, TN today and had a luxury day. J stocked up on LOTS of 'pulp sci-fi mags', while I bought several yards of Asian-themed fabric, some fat quarters, and three boxes of Anna's Swedish cookies - which I love! Chocolate Mint is my all-time favourite, Almond Cinnamon and Cappucino were too good to pass up.

Now I have to go clean a bit, dishes, laundry, scare kitties with vaccuum etc etc. It's a trade-off, so tomorrow I can focus on making ---
  1. (Two) laundry bags, very simple, with snap-loop tops, to hang from the dolly in our laundry room. I have some white canvas leftover in the front-room that would be perfect for this.
  2. A messenger bag out of this fabric. The outside will be white with black and red flowers (very Marimekko-inspired) and the inside will be a traditional Asian patchwork print.


Chris said...

Great Sally picture! Obviously cats shouldn't be allowed to read blogs - they get ideas. ;)

Oh, your bag sounds like it will be lovely!! Looking forward to seeing it.

stuffed said...

Great pic. One of my cats loves to swipe at my monitor because it's one of those soft ones that ripples when touched. Worries the crap out of me.

I must have some of those cookies.

Supply diets are hard to maintain. Don't trouble yourself over it. I was successful once and all I can say is... a successful diet is rather boring.

Carrie K said...

Pulp sci fi mags! Envy!

I don't think I could ever stay on a "use what you have" plan. I try, mind you, but normally fail miserably. All that cool stuff out there!

RheLynn said...

chris - I hope I don't ruin this cloth -- another reason to do the laundry bags first ;o)

carrie k - Thanks, I'm still keeping up with Project Spectrum! I found at least one story in J's pulp mag I'll read -- about farming in space.. wheat plants a hectare long... wow.

a.lee - Yikes - cats can do damage to LCD screens quickly!