6782 Simplicity 1974
got this one in the mail the other day
Esme is a size 3 or 4, but she requires added length and I always have to alter based on her measurements. This pattern is a six... but hopefully I can work it down or use the next one already coming (size 3/4 duplicates of a different number) AND this one to keep making this style for her for a longer period of time :)

Isn't the illustration adorable?
I don't own this one *yet*, but it is
the type of pattern I should be working with for the next year or so!
UPDATE: Found one for two bucks - ordered it!
I stayed home today from work with my sinuses.. after working through yesterday in misery and waking up in even more. I want to avoid it going to my chest like it did last time... probably no avoiding that. I had hoped to nap more, but each of my short naps have ended with my head being rolled on... and there was some snuggling, lots of rolling on Mama's head and back. *sigh* I did brush her hair which was physically exhausting *ha* and Mark held her on his lap so I could rebraid it as she was wiggling everywhere! Off and on she has been playing a lot on Starfall, which has also been when I wander off to my bed. I finally realized a word she has said for months 'da-four' is not play dinosaur, it is play Starfall. It finally hit me today.. and she has always been telling me no dinosaur, da-four. There IS a dinosaur in Starfall, though... so Mama had her reasons.
I have cruised some sewing patterns for ideas - but could not bring myself to start anything. I did fold up all the pattern pieces that were lying loose, did the laundry and walked to the mailbox to see if my other pattern came in the mail. It hadn't. The one that is coming in the mail is a duplicate size 3 and size 4 in a similar style to the first one posted above. Mark said I could indulge my curiosity to see if the 3 and 4 are that much different proportionally and how... and it was the same seller with combined shipping. I caved.. and ordered both of them even though I was feeling guilty about ordering one!
Other note: We picked our pumpkin today! When I was in the garage trying to get the clippers for it Esme had refused to follow me and was screaming and crying about not wanting to go but wanting to go back outside etc... I told her 'fine' I'll go get the clippers and come right back out.. and she got her hair caught on something just out of my sight and started screaming 'for real'... I didn't come right back until I had gotten halfway there... turned around and realized it was 'for real' and she had pulled herself loose just before I got back to her. Poor kid. She was so mad at me, but perfectly fine other than a broken lock of hair, which she showed me quite prominently. I couldn't even find a red spot on her scalp etc... I told her very sternly then when Mama says COME WITH don't be a brat and say I'm staying here... unless you are responsible. Of course she doesn't understand, but she is nearly four! But that has never happened to her before, either... so why could she think that when she was being snarly and unhappy and thrashing around near something it would reach out and grab her hair and not let go? I am glad she had the common sense to get free without hurting herself more.
I hate it when I am sick sometimes I get in that 'don't cry wolf at me' mode - and it isn't good... that is when the worst can happen. Yesterday morning a dog nearly killed one of my cats because I felt so awful I didn't want to respond to a 6 am 'odd bark'. They bark and howl and cry at 5 or 6 every morning and demand to be in and out three or four times around sunrise. Mostly we sleepwalk during these outs and ins. This was a bark not near the door, but out by the fence, and constant but not 'danger'. Mark said it sounded like they had a snake - but snake sounds like 'danger'.. and that is what got me moving - they had something, but not a snake. I was getting shoes but finally got out there to ask them what the *blank* was the issue and they had a kitten held down against the fence and were not letting her go. That, I think, is how they killed Suki - with a bark that we didn't respond to because we didn't think it meant 'danger' and had no idea why they were excited. Suki was scared to death against the fence when we found her. And for the record, we have seven cats and this had never ever been an issue before Suki.. the correlation is that Suki had gotten doused in a pond the day before they killed her, and this kitten was thrown into Esme's baby pool (by Esme) the day before they were doing this to her... I think there is a link in that they couldn't 'smell' who they were anymore. This kitten is fine, was a little dirty and a little out of breath and sore muscles.. by tonight she is jumping on shelves in the house and just looks like she hurts a tiny bit. It could have been so much worse if I hadn't snapped out of my 'I am sick please don't make move that fast' mode and gotten to it anyway. :(
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