the orange one will become a pie ;)

We are getting ready to can the tomatoes. Mark got out the pressure canner and we are reading up what to do. I cut up a LOT of zucchini and other squashes and put them in the freezer.

Esme was more help than I thought in opening and shelling the beans. I had to start each one and make sure she didn't put any 'bad ones' into the good pot - but she had fun and was sad when they were all done.

Over the past few weeks I've been eating most of the pintos and drying a few at a time. The ones already dried are in the ziploc bag. I put some more from this larger harvest into the pint jar with rice to dry. The jar gets covered with a coffee filter and a rubber band to keep air in and everything out. I shake the jar every day or so to circulate the dry rice around the beans as they dry. I have already used the rest of the beans to make soup. There is still another harvest or two in the garden!
Awesome. SO MUCH!!
lUCKY YOU! am growing carrots for the first time in a small container as I have no space for more vegs...and the garden is full of flowers instead!did you receive the book, please tell me when you do. Loved Esme's drawings x
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