Here is the dress so far. Not what I intended when I started - but I think it will be functional. I have ideas for what would have made the pleated dress with the round yoke work.. but by the time I had the bright idea it was impossible with the current (somewhat mangled) fabric I had cut out. I trimmed the mangled parts, reassembled a new bodice out a scrap of the sparkly fabric - and ended up with this. The purple gingham fabric was considered 'expendable' @ (1.00/yd). I'm still glad I saved it, because Esme thinks it is VERY pretty, especially with the sparkly fabric added to it. She has tried to wear this dress three times already before it was done. I've had to hide it behind a notebook for the day because it still has pins in the one sleeve and I don't want her dragging it around. It needs the sleeve finished, the hem done and some sort of buttonhole worked on the back. The buttonhole is going to be fun in this nylon fabric -- maybe I'll have to make a loop for it. Off to work - maybe finish it tonight, maybe tomorrow... who knows.
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