Thursday, August 03, 2006

Still have Three Kittens

Linky: Cute picture of a baby loris.

Tried to give little Red away at the dentist office -- but no one was really serious about wanting him :o( which is sad, as he is the sweetest of all of them. I thought he had a chance at a good home there! I was even offering a new filled 'litter box' (square plastic container with a lid.. he is tiny after all), lots of food, a dose of Frontline for when he is 8 weeks, and an offer to go in for half at the clinic if they want to neuter him. Oh well.

So, it looks like they will have to go to WM tomorrow morning and try there. I can't promise them 'good' homes there -- but maybe they will get super lucky, just because they are so cute.

We walked our proposed land deal in Mixie again today, at 7 am before the heat of the day. The oxbow I took pictures of is partially on our property - which will be beautiful when the water runs through it. It was dry right now. I also started examining types of grasses that are growing in different parts of the land parcel.

We have to be on the road to Minnesota at 6 am on Saturday - I hope these kittens get homes :o(

I'm kind of in a bad mood today. I wish we didn't have to leave so early on Saturday, but Mr.J says we have to start an 18 hour drive early in the day - he wants to get there around midnight. I'm dreading the trip, dreading the vacation... just want everything to be back to normal already and not so topsy-turvey :o(

Oh.. and no spinning class for me :o((( The time I am up in MN is exactly the same time the spinning instructor is taking her vacation -- and so far I haven't located another place to take a class that is within easy driving distance of Grand Rapids. **sigh**


Carrie K said...

I hope they find good homes too. Are you taking them all with you to GR if you don't?

Oh, and I wish I'd scored that high on MAW. I did great the first time and now? Not so much. It's like Scrabble. I never, ever win, but it's fun to play.

Jennifer said...

I'm hoping they find good homes too! They're so cute, I can't believe no one would want them.

Chris said...

I will email you my phone number, just in case. :)

So you'll have a stream part of the year??

RheLynn said...

Chris: We'll have a couple of streams! I'm really thrilled about the oxbow though - it was jawdroppingly beautiful in the spring - the pictures really don't do it justice!

sheep#100 said...

Thanks for visiting, RheLynn!

Anonymous said...

Ya know, at the vet's office where I used to work, they had a posting board for animals that needed homes. If yours does, at least you would know that someone who takes animals to the vet would have them. I don't like to post in the newspaper because any whackjob could want a kitten, but the vet's office may be a road to pursue.

Crazy For Yarn In Alabama said...

I can't say I would be looking forward to an 18 hour drive!! Sorry you aren't looking forward to it. I would think placing the little furballs easy.....they are so darn CUTE!! Congrats on your property!!!