Saturday, July 08, 2006

Saturday sky

Saturday Sky
power lines did not cooperate, but there are clouds this time!

Neighbor's flowers - no one lives there anymore.

A different, purple flower from the side yard we share with that house. The colour had a really strange effect on my camera. It almost glows!

Peppermint porch plant
We were tying up tomato plants out at the office, but I forgot the camera at home. We also harvested three banana peppers and some tiny round HOT peppers I forget the name of.

Miss Sallymander (attacking camera strap)
Did you call me a spider monkey yesterday? Did you?
Everyone knows I'm a lemur!

I have knitting, and toymaking.. none of which are currently photogenic. Mr.J says the aliens look tortured right now - as many of them have their eyes pinned on but not sewn.

We are planning on going to the Pirates of the Carribean movie tonight -- Mr.J is really excited about this one. We watched the original with fears it would be awful, and were extremely surprised by a great movie. Now - Mr.J can't wait to see the sequel (Quote: If it has Johnny Depp and is even at least as campy and fun as the original, it'll be great)


Jennifer said...

You'll need to report back about Pirates! There's no way I'll be making it to the theater, but we loved the first one.

Obsidian Kitten said...

yay sky! yay flowers! yay plants & peppers! yay sallylemur! lolol

i can't wait to see pirates either (tho i'm a big johnny depp fan too, can't go wrong there, and the octopussy creatures look cool in the trailer)

Oma said...

I enjoy reading your blog, always interesting and fun. :)